Escaping the mind trap

At the Arkansas March for life, I was handed a pamphlet from an organization called TFP (Tradition, Family, Property). This is apparently a paleoconservative Catholic movement. I found it a rather enjoyable read and I found most of what it said indicative of great mental clarity, until I came upon this whopper:

The pamphlet was explaining how we need to return to the values of historical Christendom. It listed one such value as representative government.

This is how deep the liberal mind trap goes. Even if you are a Catholic who explicitly recognizes that authority comes from God and that we need to return to the ways and methods of the medievals, you’ll still probably toss a pinch of incense to republicanism without even blinking an eye. The mind trap goes so deep that even an organization which expressly wants a return to the values of the medieval past, still doesn’t even think of the fact that medieval Christendom was not democratic.

Here is their website for reference, as I said, they are infinitely saner than most in society, their republicanism notwithstanding:


Life matters: Our obligation to protect religious freedom

In the back of my church, there are always a set of pamphlets titled “Life matters: yada yada yada”. The other day I saw one titled as I’ve titled this post. I didn’t read it, but I nevertheless know what’s in it. An appeal for the government not to infringe on our freedom to do whatever we want, a praise of the founding fathers for getting us into this mess, and maybe, just maybe, a short mention of the fact that contraception is morally wrong. Now I could go into how religious freedom is doctrinally erroneous or how anti-contraception arguments based on religious freedom are losing arguments, but instead, I’ll just consider how ridiculously sad this is. It’s basically saying, “we give up on winning the culture wars, we fully and completely accept that vice will rule, but would you (the left) pretty please accept a conditional surrender” (the left won’t accept a conditional surrender, BTW). Is a more defeatist attitude even possible?


Gays don’t want to adopt so they can make kids gay . . . that’s just right-wing crazy talk . . .

So, apparently, they can come out of the closet again, and admit they do want to make kids gay. Funny how when conservatives and right-liberals used to say that, it was dismissed as crazy talk, as paranoia. Just imagine what “crazy right-wing paranoia” today will come true in the future.

Also, all right-liberals (and left-liberals) should take note, this is just further confirmation that liberalism never stops, it will continue moving inevitably leftward, and your own descendants will come to embrace positions you would today consider impossible.
